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Getting StartedThis is the Getting Started Category. It contains helpful directions on using this forum. Learn About Us. Prior to registering, we urge you to read our FAQ’s, our Terms of Service, and our Privacy Policy…
AnnouncementsYou are at the Announcements Category. Here’s where you’ll see administrative announcements, notices, updates, etc. about this site from its management.
BlogsEssays and articles, generally topical in nature, written primarily by professionals. This content is reviewed by site administration.
Oil and Gas Leasing HelpYou are at the Oil & Gas Leasing Help Category. It contains topics such as leasing terms, royalty rates, bonus amounts, length, title warranties etc.
NAROYou’re at the NARO category. This is a custom Category benefiting Naro members. Everyone may participate in conversations, but only Naro members can create topics. Learn more about NARO
Ownership and TitleYou are at the Ownership & Title Category. It contains topics such as mineral title issues, assignments, and general mineral conveyance issues.
Law & LegalYou’re at the Law & Legal Category. Discussion of legal issues and the law surrounding mineral rights, their ownership and operations takes place here.
General Mineral Rights DiscussionThis is the General Mineral Rights Discussion category. If your mineral rights topic, question or comment doesn’t fit better in a more specific category, post it here…
Landman DiscussionPrimarily meant for professional landmen discussion among themselves, but open for mineral owners as well.
Accounting and TaxesDiscussion on the taxing of and accounting for oil and gas production - mineral sales, depletion, ad valorem, severance etc.
Division OrdersQuestions and answers on this important document interest owners are asked to sign.
Oil & Gas Field OperationsDiscussion surrounding field operations of the oil and gas industry - drilling, production, transportation etc.
Royalty StatementsLearn about and discuss royalty/revenue statements received from your revenue distributor.
PoliticsDiscuss the politics of oil and gas. Federal, State, and Local agencies all have presence here.
RegulationYou are at the Oil & Gas Regulation Category. Oil and gas is primarily regulated at the state level - be sure to mention the state name in your post.
Hydraulic FracturingDiscussion surrounding this little known industrial process has become quite fashionable. Weigh in here.
Surface Owner IssuesOil & gas production, processing, and transportation often demand a surface footprint. Discuss surface related topics here.
Natural Gas Shale PlaysThis is the Natural Gas Shale Plays category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experiences.
InvestingInvesting ideas, 401k’s, retirement, oil & gas producers, service companies, private equity, MLP’s and private partnerships.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
MiscellaneousWe’ll be further organizing this Category as demand dictates. Let us know if you have a subject which you think deserves a Category of its own.
Off TopicTopics that do not have a clear place to go - chit chat and other clean dialogue. Opinions, sure. Opinions with a mean-spirited attitude or course presentation - you’ll be suspended.
ShalesThis is the Shales category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news.
Alabama Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Alabama. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Alabama including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Alabama.
Arkansas Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Arkansas. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Arkansas including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Arkansas.
California Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in California. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in California including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in California.
Colorado Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Colorado. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Colorado including law, accounting/taxes, regulatory, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Colorado.
Florida Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Florida. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Florida including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Florida.
Georgia Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Georgia. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Georgia including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Georgia.
Idaho Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Idaho. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Idaho including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Idaho.
Illinois Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Illinois. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Illinois including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Illinois.
Kansas Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Kansas. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Kansas including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Kansas.
Kentucky Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Kentucky. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Kentucky including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Kentucky.
Louisiana Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Louisiana. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Louisiana including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Louisiana.
Michigan Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Michigan. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Michigan including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Michigan.
Mississippi Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Mississippi. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Mississippi including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Mississippi.
Missouri Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Missouri. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Missouri including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Missouri.
Montana Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Montana. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Montana including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Montana.
Nebraska Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Nebraska. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Nebraska including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Nebraska.
New Jersey Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in New Jersey. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in New Jersey including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in New Jersey.
New Mexico Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in New Mexico. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in New Mexico including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in New Mexico.
New York Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in New York. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in New York including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in New York.
North Dakota Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in North Dakota. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in North Dakota including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in North Dakota.
Ohio Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Ohio. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Ohio including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Ohio.
Oklahoma Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Oklahoma. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Oklahoma including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Oklahoma.
Oregon Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Oregon. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Oregon including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Oregon.
Pennsylvania Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Pennsylvania. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Pennsylvania including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Pennsylvania.
South Dakota Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in South Dakota. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in South Dakota including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in South Dakota.
Tennessee Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Tennessee. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Tennessee including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Tennessee.
Texas Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Texas. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Texas including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Texas.
Utah Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Utah. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Utah including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Utah.
West Virginia Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in West Virginia. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in West Virginia including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in West Virginia.
Wyoming Mineral RightsOil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in Wyoming. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in Wyoming including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in Wyoming.
MarketPlaceYou’re at the Beta MarketPlace category. Listings are subject to a charge of $50 for a 90-day term. All listings in the MarketPlace are contained in specific sub-categories. Click on “all” below to see the various sub-categories. For a list of service providers to mineral owners, see The Forum Directory.
Kleberg County, TXThis is the Kleberg County, TX category. Discussions here should be specifically related to this geographic area. Share your experience regarding lease bonus offers, royalty rates, drilling activity, and general oil gas related news.
Marthas Personal CategoryMartha’s Magnificent Magic Mineral Repository of Good Stuff
Sponsored ContentContent in this Category is brought to you by one of our paid sponsors.
Accolades for our SponsorsYou’re at the Accolades category. This is where you are welcomed to provide positive comments regarding your experience with any of our advertiser sponsors who graciously provide the support for this site.
Bitcoin RelatedYour are at the Bitcoin Related category. Discussion centers primarily on using flared natural gas (aka stranded gas) as an energy source to produce electricity to operate bitcoin mining “rigs”. Mineral owners are among the stakeholders.
Helium LeasingThis is the Helium Leasing category. Discussions here should be specifically related to helium leasing. Share your expertise, ask questions, come alongside others. Enjoy…
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